Wild Ones West Cook
Hill's Oak - Quercus ellipsoidalis
Hill's Oak - Quercus ellipsoidalis
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Also called Northern Pin Oak, it has similar leaves but does not suffer from chlorosis/lack of iron in our high pH alkaline soils as Pin Oak can. It is similar to and interbreeds with Scarlet Oak.
Features: This native oak is not as large as Red and White Oak. Relatively fast growing and adaptable to many soil types, it has lovely red fall color. It is attractive to several butterflies: Hairstreaks, Duskywings, and Skippers. Many moth caterpillars eat the foliage.
Light: Prefers full sun
Soil: Medium to dry medium soil containing loam, clay or glacial till
Height: 40-60 feet
Width: 40-50 feet
Blooms: April
See more information and photos at: The Morton Arboretum and USDA Plant Database
Photo credits Possibility Place